Here is the annual report from 2021. This was also sent out to you in advance of the annual general meeting. It is in Norwegian, but easily translated in google translate for those who wish to read through in English. Future documents will all be written in English as promised.

As previously mentioned both here and on newsletter mail, Mariann will hold a webinar at 18.00 today! Zoom link has been sent to all members so check your inbox for more details.

See the original post on LinkedIN:

– Dr Paul O Olson (@PaulOOlson)08:13 – Nov 12, 2021

Digital coaching platform CoachHub has appointed Jonathan Passmore as senior vice president of coaching as part of its expansion plans.

The professor, executive coach, researcher and author, will lead two in-house teams of experts, Coaching Lab, a team of behavioural scientists global and the Learning Studio, a team of learning engineers.

Passmore and the two teams will collaborate with research institutions and gather insights on human behaviour to develop learning solutions for services such as the CoachHub learning library, learning journeys and the AI-based learning recommendations.

CoachHub co-founder, Yannis Niebelschütz, said, “Jonathan brings decades of scientific knowledge and experience, a global expert network, as well as a deep understanding of the international coaching landscape to the Coaching Lab during our time of meteoric growth.

“We firmly believe that people at all stages of their careers should be able to access quality coaching, and with Jonathan leading our global coaching department we are even better placed to continue providing innovative and scientifically driven digital coaching solutions to people and organisations that need it most.’’

Passmore, who also serves as professor of coaching and behavioural change at the University of Reading’s Henley Business School, leading Henley’s Centre for Coaching, said, “Working with CoachHub’s talented teams of more than 30 dedicated researchers and learning engineers and contributing to their mission of democratising coaching for all will demonstrate the true impact of coaching as it moves away from the privilege of a few, to empowering the workforce as a whole.’’

He said, “At the very heart of this role is building on the science, and leading scientists to collaborate and optimise coaching within their organisations CoachHub is at the cutting edge of the coaching science and set to consolidate as the leader in this space. As a researcher, academic and practitioner, I believe the scientific rigour in coaching must at least match that of other disciplines, moving towards good scientific enquiry.”

CoachHub’s global pool of coaches is comprised of more than 2,500 certified business coaches in 70 countries across six continents with coaching sessions available in over 60 languages. CoachHub is backed by leading tech investors, including Draper Esprit, HV Capital, Partech, RTP Global, Signals Venture Capital and Speedinvest.


With this, EMCC Norway congratulate the founders of new EMCC Sweden with their launch yesterday, 6 September 2021. A three year gap in EMCC Nordic was closed. What a great day 😊

With 24 signed founding members, I’m confident that EMCC Sweden will soon be 30 members and more. This includes members resident in Sweden, who are currently members of EMCC Global and will be transferred.

The President is Gregor Schill (Gothenburg) and he is joined by Alexander Holmberg (Stockholm) as Vice-President and a truly excellent board. The website URL is I’m proud to have facilitated this effort on behalf of EMCC Global and EMCC Norway, and feel honoured to lead their Election Committee for the next year.

Paul O Olson, midwife and EMCC Norway VP

En kjapp hilsen til dere medlemmer og andre interesserte i coaching og mentoring!


Det nye styret i EMCC Norge rakk et første møte før sommeren og det neste er i nær fremtid der vi skal jobbe med vår strategiske plan. Vi har mye spennende på gang so stay tuned…!



Vi fortsetter selvsagt med medlemsøkning og også innen bedriftsmarkedet. I tillegg skal vi øke verdien av et medlemskap for våre medlemmer. En undersøkelse vil komme om dette. 



Vi har de siste to årene øket fra 0 til ca 20 akkrediterte medlemmer og alle disse skal ha veiledning. Da må vi kunne tilby dette, og heldigvis har vi to som kan gjøre det, dvs. at de er akkreditert for å veilede de som er akkrediterte.


Norsk Standard

EMCC Norge har bidratt til å få på plass en Norsk Standard for Coaching som går ut til offentlig høring snart. Vi fortsetter dette arbeidet for å gjøre dette mulig. Her er det to medlemmer som bidrar, Paul fra styret og Mariann som akkurat gikk ut av styret. De har begge to gjort en veldig god jobb og ikke minst satt EMCC Norge på kartet.


Sosiale medier

Her vil vi satse videre på egen hjemmeside (, Facebook ( og vårt nyhetsbrev som skal komme ut minimum en gang i kvartalet.


Er det noe du som medlem ønsker å bidra med så send en melding til oss! Samme gjelder om du ønsker å bli medlem så send oss en melding!


Thor-Erik, President EMCC Norge