
Hearing: Norwegian Standard for Coaching

After more than 2 years of working groups, discussions, and committee meetings, one failed attempt, and almost running out of money…finally, the Competencies standard has been released for public consultation. Here is the official link (Norwegian website): http://enquiry.standard.no/Home/Details/10609

Deadline for the hearing is 10 September 2022, so join the EMCC consultation and get the documentation now!

We want your feedback!

The recordings and documents from 02 July (Saturday) are now available by registering with the link above. You will also hear about the positioning for all four standards (Competencies, Certification, Training and Delivery).

We will answer questions and take notes in the 29 July (Friday) and 26 August (Friday) workshops. To make the most of our time,  please submit questions (and brief comments, if any) to standards@emccnorge.no before the meeting. We welcome all input, but if you’re an EMCC member, please add «[EMCC member]» in the subject line. This way we can better sort comments for a Joint EMCC Norway & Global report.

You have 3 ways to input comments formally:

  1. Directly. Go to the official website where you can also comment (you must create an account);
  2. Via EMCC: Attend a workshop and use the chat (we’ll extract from the chat log);
  3. Via EMCC: Send comments to standards@emccnorge.no

Register your participation now!