Supervision – EMCC Norway event

As we now become more and more people who receive an accreditation, it is important to take into account that it must be maintained, and this is done via Supervision. Fortunately, we have members who are accredited/approved as Supervisors (Mariann Marthinussen and Paul O Olson)..

We will have a webinar about this with Mariann Marthinussen on June 1, at 18.00-19.00 at Zoom. Save the date. Members will automatically be forwardet a zoom link for the event.

This is for all those who are interested in accreditation or who are already accredited.

We are pleased to share with you the updated EMCC Global Guidelines for Supervision.

  • What is supervision?
  • Why is supervision important?
  • What kinds of supervision are there?
  • How much supervision do I need?
  • How may I find a supervisor?
  • How should I select a supervisor?
  • How may I train as a supervisor?
  • How may I gain accreditation as a supervisor?
  • What are the core competences of a supervisor?

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